
The best professional Dota 2 games of all time

159 classic games. 13023 votes from users. 6 days 6 hours 2 minutes of world class Dota.


Over an hour-long duel of two outstanding teams, at the top of their game at that moment. Featuring breath-holding teamfights that go both sides, defense against mega-creeps, Miracle-'s first appearance on Faceless Void with OG and great plays (Fly bait, Kpii juke, Kaka clutch relocates, a Rampage...).

Draft Start English TobiWan & Purge
Match Start English TobiWan & Purge
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Tournament:EPICENTER 2016
Start time:12 May 2016 13:55 (UTC)
Winner: Newbee (Dire)
Patch version:6.87c
Match ID:2357832186 [datdota][dotabuff]
Submitted by:Bambam
OG (Radiant)
HeroPlayerItemsLevelKillsDeathsAssistsGoldLast HitsDeniesGPMXPM
N0tail 24 6 11 25 560 368 21 420 457
Moon 23 2 4 25 3059 258 4 352 441
Miracle- 25 24 5 12 2022 401 16 531 491
Cr1t 20 2 6 27 2845 143 1 281 319
Fly 22 5 7 31 1082 143 4 349 403
Newbee (Dire)
HeroPlayerItemsLevelKillsDeathsAssistsGoldLast HitsDeniesGPMXPM
kpii 25 4 5 21 1491 264 7 416 491
ChuaN 19 3 10 15 708 100 1 278 303
Hao 25 11 7 14 2124 453 28 570 491
Mu 25 13 4 16 4238 360 4 553 491
kaka 17 2 13 18 2665 41 3 231 254
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