
The best professional Dota 2 games of all time

159 classic games. 13023 votes from users. 6 days 6 hours 2 minutes of world class Dota.


Underestimating the power of Tinker.

Draft Start English LD & GoDz
Match Start English LD & GoDz
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Tournament:The Summit 1
Stage:Group Stage
Start time:05 June 2014 23:58 (UTC)
Winner: Fnatic (Radiant)
Patch version:6.81b
Match ID:702624138 [datdota][dotabuff]
Submitted by:priesthaxxor
Fnatic (Radiant)
HeroPlayerItemsLevelKillsDeathsAssistsGoldLast HitsDeniesGPMXPM
H4nn1 16 8 2 6 3033 153 13 481 459
Trixi 13 2 4 7 3039 35 0 251 311
Xcalibur 21 10 0 5 2703 283 13 701 823
N0tail 11 0 0 8 1367 48 0 245 267
Fly 11 0 2 7 1629 37 4 236 266
Team DK (Dire)
HeroPlayerItemsLevelKillsDeathsAssistsGoldLast HitsDeniesGPMXPM
X!! 10 2 3 3 409 27 2 210 187
BurNIng 16 2 3 4 290 144 15 455 457
iceiceice 15 1 4 5 2249 134 6 420 410
LaNm 11 1 4 5 57 76 1 267 244
MuShi- 13 2 7 2 271 100 5 326 317
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