
The best professional Dota 2 games of all time

159 classic games. 13023 votes from users. 6 days 6 hours 2 minutes of world class Dota.


The whole game a glorified rosh fight. Neither team ever settles in any lane, 5 man ancients at lvl 1, 8 minute long rosh fight.

Draft Start English Purge & GoDz
Match Start English Purge & GoDz
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Tournament:Alienware Cup
Stage:Group A
Start time:23 June 2013 11:02 (UTC)
Winner: LGD International (Dire)
Patch version:6.78b
Match ID:226138259 [datdota][dotabuff]
Submitted by:videojaems
LGD Gaming (Radiant)
HeroPlayerItemsLevelKillsDeathsAssistsGoldLast HitsDeniesGPMXPM
Sylar 13 2 8 6 1500 103 6 304 356
DD 9 0 5 8 707 3 2 130 190
Yao 11 3 6 4 237 85 10 264 254
ddc 8 3 8 5 275 26 4 169 157
xiao8 11 4 9 5 388 98 2 290 295
LGD International (Dire)
HeroPlayerItemsLevelKillsDeathsAssistsGoldLast HitsDeniesGPMXPM
Pajkatt 14 10 2 16 352 85 0 475 423
BRAX 14 8 1 7 2950 40 3 330 402
1437 14 9 3 19 2514 92 1 417 416
Misery 14 4 2 22 1968 35 1 282 398
God 14 5 4 19 1200 81 0 353 421
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