
The best professional Dota 2 games of all time

159 classic games. 13023 votes from users. 6 days 6 hours 2 minutes of world class Dota.


Kill score of 59-58 in 48 minutes. KOTL guy's Sound Board got a lot more famous with this match.

Draft Start English KOTLGuy & Maut
Match Start English KOTLGuy & Maut
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Tournament:Dota 2 Canada Cup Season 3
Start time:29 September 2014 02:19 (UTC)
Winner: Sneaky Nyx Assassins (Dire)
Patch version:6.82b
Match ID:928267278 [datdota][dotabuff]
Submitted by:Bogy24
compLexity Gaming (Radiant)
HeroPlayerItemsLevelKillsDeathsAssistsGoldLast HitsDeniesGPMXPM
Toboggan 20 2 11 29 2889 74 5 266 457
Zfreek 24 30 14 9 3163 67 0 502 656
Moon 25 19 7 19 4406 295 3 677 673
Limmp 22 2 10 19 2783 237 13 419 536
swindlezz 20 4 17 22 1706 196 2 321 442
Sneaky Nyx Assassins (Dire)
HeroPlayerItemsLevelKillsDeathsAssistsGoldLast HitsDeniesGPMXPM
USH! 21 2 14 4 945 218 2 418 504
`Bear 21 22 12 15 1730 77 0 436 513
ixmike88 23 11 15 32 844 253 3 492 564
FLUFFNSTUFF 17 7 12 14 877 19 2 255 342
TC 25 15 6 23 2287 156 14 448 665
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