
The best professional Dota 2 games of all time

159 classic games. 13023 votes from users. 6 days 6 hours 2 minutes of world class Dota.


There are a lot of comebacks and rapier plays in Dota, but no other was this ballsy.

Draft Start English TobiWan & Wagamama
Match Start English TobiWan & Wagamama
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Tournament:The International 2015
Stage:Group Stage
Start time:27 July 2015 18:05 (UTC)
Winner: LGD Gaming (Dire)
Patch version:6.84c
Match ID:1665829829 [datdota][dotabuff]
Submitted by:tadaimaa
Cloud9 (Radiant)
HeroPlayerItemsLevelKillsDeathsAssistsGoldLast HitsDeniesGPMXPM
bOne7 14 3 12 5 2682 73 3 236 171
Misery 21 4 7 9 1224 180 3 315 348
N0tail 19 0 11 7 1554 125 0 270 303
FATA- 24 9 7 3 775 400 11 420 484
EternalEnvy 25 0 6 6 1089 658 1 571 490
LGD Gaming (Dire)
HeroPlayerItemsLevelKillsDeathsAssistsGoldLast HitsDeniesGPMXPM
X!! 19 4 4 15 1865 33 4 237 287
Sylar 25 9 2 16 4043 629 15 596 486
Yao 20 10 2 16 3802 64 4 268 319
Somnus丶M 25 7 3 17 327 595 8 614 489
xiao8 24 12 5 17 6575 241 11 389 471
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